Once we have created a layout now its time to create a pages, we will create all the pages in pages directory. In our website there will four main pages Index,About,Features and Pricing. So we will create pages one by one. First we will write a code for Index page […]
Creating a Layout in Gatsby JS website
Once tailwind css is added to our website we can create layout to do so we will create layouts sub- directory in src folder. To include header and footer of the website we will create components folder in src. Now in this folder we will create Header.jsx and Footer.jsx file […]
Add Tailwind CSS to Gatsby JS project
We have already covered creating gatsby website and running it locally in the browser. Now to add the Tailwind CSS framework to our website we need to visit the following URL https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/gatsby and install plugins as shown in the documentation. After this command we need to run following command. This […]
Creating a Gatsby JS project
Now in our first part of this tutorial we have already installed all the needed prerequisites. Now we will use gataby cli command to create the Gatsby JS website to do so we need to enter the following command. This command will ask the questions like following Once all the […]
Creating a responsive website with Gatsby JS framework.
In this tutorial we will create a basic website using Gatsby JS Framework along with Tailwind CSS. This tutorial will be divided into following parts. Installation of Gatsby JS Framework To create a Gatsby JS website we need to install prerequisites i.e. Node JS to do so head over to […]