In this tutorial Part 3, we will focus on creating a layout with header and footer. First we will create a folder inside src folder named as layouts to store our layout file as FrontLayout.jsx. After that we will also create components folder inside src folder to store our Header.jsx […]
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Creating React(Vite) website UI with Chakra UI(Part 2)
Now in this tutorial part 2 we will test the Button component from Chakra UI to test whether our installation and configuration of Chakra UI is working properly or not. We need to install Chakra UI first to do so we will run following command in the terminal. Once above […]
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Creating React(Vite) website UI with Chakra UI(Part 1)
To create a website with Vite React using Chakra UI , we need to create a project using Vite. To do so we will follow steps shown below. We will use following command to create a Vite project and select template as React JS This command will ask to install […]